【Sliding door is an indoor mask】

The end of the pandemic is beyond all doubt the first and foremost expectation for 2021. We fantasize about the looks of each other in mask-wearing days. Fantasy is captivating for it goes on and on even if our consciousness knows the discrepancy before our eyes do. In psychology, Gestalt Psychology is a study of perception, the word Gestalt is German, meaning shape. The premise of Gestalt psychology emphasizes that humans tend to perceive objects as complete rather than focusing on the parts. This possibly explains why faces are perceived to be attractive when it is covered. In interior design, a sliding door is an indoor mask given its mystique. It also separates public and private areas in a house. Below is a project located in Grand Promenade, Sai Wan Ho. The construction work commenced last year in March, which appeared to be the time with surging demand for masks. The global scramble for masks inspires us to feature sliding doors in cooperation with the soundproof material. Each sliding door corresponds to each other but the sum of its parts is not equivalent to the whole. Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. The intrinsic nature of the whole can’t be deduced by any of the parts both in interior design or one’s look. To conclude, just be yourself as the face is the index of the mind.


對新一年的期許無庸置疑是疫情受控,回歸自由的日常。戴口罩的日子總是憑一雙眼睛想像對方的樣子,想像的同時被想像。幻想是美好的,因為即使意識已為落差作準備,我們還是會一而再地幻想。心理學有種概念叫「完形心理(Gestalt Psychology)」,Gestalt 一字源自德文,意指形狀。人的大腦看到不完整的事物時,會下意識把分離的部份拼湊成一個有關聯的圖像。這解釋了當只看到半張臉,大腦會朝着理想的方向去幻想對方樣貌。趟門是室內的口罩,保留一絲神秘感之餘,劃出共享與私隱區域。這個位於Grand Promenade (西灣河: 嘉亨灣)的項目在去年三月進行,正值口罩搶購潮,以此為靈感配合隔音和木材設計出趟門。一道道趟門互相呼應,分開看部份之總和不能等於整體。古希臘哲學家亞里斯多德(Aristotle)也曾說:「整體大於部分的總和。」,不論室內設計或是樣貌,整體是一個「完形」,不能分割。其實只要做好自己,相由心生,誰又能鑑定你的醜惡與美好。

