Hardly could we neglect “storage space or tidy and organized” when describing our ideal homes. Speaking of storage space in a tight apartment space, tall cabinet or storage box is no doubt a useful storing trick. Things are organized yet without an engaging presence in the house. What if integrating the collectibles into your daily by the display cabinets, it may appear to be the best outcome. Below is a project located in Upper Baguio Villa, Pok Fu Lam. The contemporary art paintings and cabinets are well arranged, both manifest themselves in an artistic atmosphere. Likewise, the black-white-grey main tone in the house contrasts in harmony with the bold and bright colours in the artworks. Together they tell us the distinctive taste of the owners both in art and life. Space itself is not an art, what creates art is the essence of living.
當形容理想家居時,我們總離不開「想要收納空間大的家,整齊、井然有序就好」。在寸土寸金的居住坪數提及生活收納,很自然會聯想到貼牆高櫃、收納盒等儲物箱,但在為物件安排位置的同時,卻大減其存在感。要空間感同時收納,何不試著把物品大方放進生活,融入生活。這個項目位於Upper Baguio Villa (薄扶林: 碧瑤灣),客廳壁畫與收藏品展示櫃層次分明,零隱藏性但不滯重的藝術氛圍。黑白灰的室內主調與顏色大膽的藝術品形成鮮明對比,卻無違和感,各種元素滲透出屋主獨特的藝術品味。空間不是藝術品,接納生活的本質才能賦予它藝術的造型。